Charity auction 'Robot for the Armed Forces of Ukraine' - вул. Володимирська,5

Charity auction 'Robot for the Armed Forces of Ukraine' - вул. Володимирська,5
Technology is one of the most important contributing factors in the current Russian-Ukrainian war. Our victory depends on how quickly and efficiently we introduce them into everyday military practice. One of the know-how of the tactical unit is a combat robot, a mobile machine gun platform designed to move on the ground and shoot at the occupiers. The device is controlled remotely, which will help protect our soldiers from enemy bullets. The more such platforms we have at the front, the more enemies will be destroyed and the more of our soldiers will remain safe and sound.
That is why ‘Dukat’ is launching a charity art auction, all proceeds from which will be used to purchase such machine gun platforms for the ‘Gonor’ combat unit, which is fighting as part of the ‘Da Vinci Wolves’ battalion.
The auction includes a unique selection of works by renowned contemporary artists, alongside art works by artists of the Sixties from the cohort, or, in Stus's words, ‘a handful’ of like-minded people who preserved Ukrainian culture in the darkest times. Their resistance to Russian-Soviet imperialism continues up to this day - now on the battlefield.
We sincerely thank the families of the Ukrainian nonconformist artists for donating their works to the charity auction. Outstanding artists continue to live in their works and resist the system even after their physical death. We would also like to thank our contemporary artists and private collectors who have responded to our initiative with great enthusiasm.
Our goal is to raise UAH 810,000.00 to purchase a combat ground drone for the ‘Gonor’ combat unit of the ‘Da Vinci Wolves’ battalion.